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Saints Alive Newsletter October 2021

St. John Vianney School
October 2021
Volume I, Issue II

Welcome to October, SJV Community!

 October is truly a special month!  Did you know that the month of October is known as the month of the Rosary?  In fact, Catholics celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7th.  Tradition holds that in the 13th century, Our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic and gave him the rosary with

the message to spread this prayer to the world.  Today the rosary is known by Catholics to be one of the most powerful devotions in existence! The rosary focuses on key aspects of the faith through a series of mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous & Glorious) prayed throughout, and provides an opportunity for meditation, spiritual formation, petition and thanksgiving!  We can offer this bouquet of prayers to the Blessed to Mother as we ask for her intercession and aid with our needs.

Pray The Rosary!



How do I say the Rosary?

Visit :

How long does it take to pray a rosary?

Around 20 minutes.

What mystery do I pray?

Joyful (Mon & Sat), Sorrowful (Tues & Fri), Luminous (Thurs), Glorious (Wed & Sun).

What if I don’t have time to pray the rosary?

Try beginning with one decade of the rosary daily, and work your way up. You can also pray it while driving, while working out, while waiting in line at the store or at an appointment.

Exciting October- Also This Month!

Feast of the Guardian Angels:

October 2nd is the feast day celebrating our Guardian Angels. What a blessing from God to have been given a constant companion for our entire lives!  Our angels can comfort us, protect us from danger and sin, and assist us in our trials.  Remember to pray to (and thank!) your guardian angel!

The Guardian Angel Prayer:  Angel of God, my guardian dear,  to whom God’s love commits me here.  Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.


Blessing of the Animals:

Celebrate the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi with SJV School’s annual “Blessing of the Animals”  which will take place on October 4th!   Students can bring a photo or a drawing of their pet(s) to be blessed by Father Giovanni that day!


Pray, Study, Love, Serve!

Here are the virtues that our students will be focusing on during the month of October: Foresight, Kindness, Courtesy & Industriousness.

JOIN US for morning mass in October! 8:00 am. Class attendance is as follows:

Mondays:  2nd & 8th grades

Tuesdays:  1st & 7th grades

Wednesdays:  4th & 5th grades

Thursdays:  3rd & 6th grades

Have questions for CSAC? Our October meeting will be held on October 18th.


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