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Saints Alive Newsletter November 2021

St. John Vianney School
November 2021
Volume I, Issue III

Welcome to November, SJV Community!

 November in the Catholic Church begins with two very special days:  All Saints Day, celebrated on Novemebr 1st and All Souls Day, celebrated on November 2nd.   Let’s take a look at the difference between these two feast days.  On All Saints Day, we recognize the Communion of Saints who are

with God in Heaven.   On November 2nd, the celebration of All Souls Day encompasses all departed souls, those in heaven AND also those faithful who have passed and are being purified in purgatory (see graphic on page 2 for more on purgatory)  before they enter into the Holy presence of God in Heaven.  Both of these feast days offer the living faithful opportunities to pray and acknowledge the fidelity and lives of those who have gone before them. 

November: Pray For Departed Souls!


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


All Saints Day: Make a special prayer to your patron saint (whom you are named after), a saint your family loves, or to Saint John Vianney (our school and parish’s patron)!

All Souls Day: Say an extra prayer, light a candle, attend mass, or visit a cemetery for the soul of a loved one who has passed.

Exciting November- Also This Month!

Solemnity Of Christ the King:

Jesus Christ is the Lord over all creation!  We celebrate our head of the Church, our creator and our redeemer.  We acknowledge the dominion He holds over our lives.  This year, this solemnity (a feast day of the highest rank) falls on Sunday, November 21st.  This feast marks the last Sunday of the liturgical year.  Beginning November 28th, we begin the new liturgical year and the start of the season of Advent!!!!


Virtue Spotlight; GRATITUDE:

With Thanksgiving upon us, November is a great month to focus on gratitude!   Looking for a fun family activity?  Create a “Gratitude Pumpkin.”  Every day in November, use a sharpie to write things that your family is grateful for that day on a pumpkin.  By the end of the month, you’ll have a great centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table!


Pray, Study, Love, Serve!

Here are the virtues that our students will be focusing on during the month of November: Circumspection, Patriotism, Magnanimity, Gratitude, Prayerfulness.

JOIN US for morning mass in November! 8:00 am. Class attendance is as follows:

Mondays:  2nd & 8th grades

Tuesdays:  1st & 7th grades

Wednesdays:  TK, 4th & 5th grades

Thursdays:  K, 3rd & 6th grades

Have questions for CSAC? Our November meeting will be held on November 15th.


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