Welcome to April, SJV Community!
The month of April brings Easter and the end to the season of Lent. Leading up to Easter, we celebrate special holy days during Holy Week. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday (April 10th). The Palm Sunday Mass is so special as the readings tell the story of the Lord’s passion. From the evening of Holy
Thursday through evening on Easter is what is known as the Sacred Triduum. These days commemorate the events of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. Many consider Good Friday, when Jesus died on the cross for us, to be the holiest day of the year! Please see the Holy Week schedule on page 2 and join us at the Parish as we celebrate this Easter
Divine Mercy Sunday
On the Sunday following Easter (April 24th this year), the Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus appeared to Saint Faustina Kowalska to share and spread the message of his great mercy for all people. Jesus asked that a painting be made that depicts his merciful love.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is one of the most powerful prayers one can say. Consider saying it on Divine Mercy Sunday! See page 2 for directions for saying the chaplet.
April- Also This Month!
Participate in these special days this month with SJV Parish!
Palm Sunday: Regular Sunday Mass Schedule
Holy Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday: 12:00 pm Liturgy, 1:30 pm Stations of the Cross, 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet
Holy Saturday: 9:00 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday: Regular Sunday Mass Schedule
Happening at SJV School:
Students will be treated to the Passion play put on by the sixth grade students on Tuesday, April 12th. Easter break begins Wednesday, April 13th.
Pray, Study, Love, Serve!
Here are the virtues that our students will be focusing on during the month of April: Meekness, Generosity, Fortitude, Magnificence
JOIN US for morning Mass in April! 8:00 am. Class attendance is as follows*:
Mondays: 2nd & 8th grades
Tuesdays: 1st & 7th grades
Wednesdays: TK, 4th & 5th grades
Thursdays: K, 3rd & 6th grades
*Subject to change due to COVID
Have questions for CSAC? Our next meeting will be held on April 25th.